
Benefitting from other people's misery

 It's springtime in the desert, which means all the lovely desert plants are blooming and I am surrounded by the melodious sound of sneezing, wheezing, and moaning at work.  At home, my toddler has decided to challenge his father for the title of "Are you Serious???" snore master.  However, my sinuses are perfectly happy and even more so, my desert runs are GORGEOUS.  Delicate little flowers as far as the eye can see interspersed with cotton tailed bunnies and desert hares.  I can't decide who I like more; the bunnies with their little white butts scampering into the underbrush or the desert hares with their massive and charming ears.  Guess it's a tie.

No, I think the hare wins.

This morning Dex performed his usual Saturday ritual of crawling into bed with us to snuggle at 5:30. (I know I should break him of it, maybe when he's driving)  Only, as previously mentioned, once he fell asleep the snoring cacophony began.  I took that as my cue to get up.  I wanted to run early today anyway because I knew it was supposed to get pretty warm.  I mosied around the house, made myself some toast, drank some water, checked email, and finally after an hour decided to head out.  I went to grab my ipod and.....damn...dead. I checked the thermometer outside, it was still only 50 so I had some time I decided to give it another hour. 

At 7:30 after I had kissed toddler belly, nibbled toddler toes, and paid enough bills to get the blood pressure boiling; I headed out the door.  I really need an invisibility cloak for the first mile of my run to keep my neighbors from thinking I'm a sadist.  It legitimately takes a solid mile for me to find my form and get the stiff legs warm and happy. Unfortunately, for that first mile I know I look incredibly funny and awkward and like I'm in some sort of unique form of pain.  Truth be told, the only reason I run as far as I do on my runs is because I'm not even really enjoying myself until around mile 3. It takes me awhile to find the "zone" however once I'm there it's worth the ENTIRE run, so that first three miles is actually just an investment.

This morning's run was important.  Last night I tried everything to convince myself to workout even getting as far as the treadmill.  Once I learned the batteries in our Wii were dead (no Netflix) and that my ipod was dead (yes, I knew last night and forgot to plug it in) I said "no dice" which sort of depressed me.  I don't like it when I really don't want to workout and I really, really did not want to. I'm usually either stupidly excited to run or neutral.  It's rare I just do not want to and this week has been that week.  And in my defense,  I'm normally fairly chill about giving myself breaks during the week, but I think because I had only worked out once this week - it was bugging me.  Mentally, I'm used to five solid workouts a week but with the conference and half marathon I just haven't been able to do it.  I really, really don't want to overdo it this week either because I have my other half marathon in a week.  After I've recovered from that, I'm going to go back to low, regular miles.  However, the run today had the needed effect, I feel like myself again.  I'm stinky and good sore - familiar territory.

The other thing I have to remember is how far I've come.  I've only been back in to regular running since October. I had to laugh this morning when I hit the driveway and felt disappointed to see that I had "only" run 7 miles (I really thought it was at least 8)  I immediately pinched myself with perspective - "only" 7 miles?  Really Hodge? Plus, I had FUN this morning.  I hopped off my normal trail and did some desert exploration.  I love that I'm really beginning to know my way around all the land that surrounds our development.  There's a ton of four wheeler tracks and I'm starting to feel emboldened enough to want to explore them all.  At some point they all lead back to or near our development, not like I could accidentally end up in Mexico.

Alright, alright I need to shower and do some cleaning.  One week until Hollywood!  (hope the legs keep behaving)


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